Breast Lift With Implants in Fairfield & Hartford County, CT

What Does A Breast Lift With Implants Involve?

Breast augmentation/mastopexy, also known as breast lift with implants, is a combined procedure which increases or restores breast size and shape by using saline or silicone implants combined with a breast lift (mastopexy).

Am I A Good Candidate For Having A Breast Lift With Implants?

The most common reasons why people consider a breast lift with implants include:

  • Your breasts have lost volume, shape, and firmness due to pregnancy, age, weight loss, or gravity
  • Your breasts are noticeably different in size or shape, and you want more symmetry and fullness
  • Your breasts appear deflated and your nipples and/or areolas are pointing downwards or positioned below the breast crease

You are likely a good candidate for a breast lift with augmentation if you are in good health, have maintained a steady body weight, and have realistic goals and expectations.

Dr. Restifo’s Approach To Breast Lift With Implants

Fully Customizable Breast Enhancement

We know that every woman has both a unique body and individual aesthetic preferences. For this reason, we take the time during the pre-operative consultations to learn what each patient hopes to gain from breast surgery. This helps to determine whether a breast lift/augmentation is the right course of treatment, and what type of implant and placement will achieve the best possible outcome.  Dr. Restifo and his team provide highly personalized care to ensure that your experience is both safe and comfortable thereby yielding exceptional results.

See Dr. Restifo’s Breast Augmentation with Lift Photo Gallery.

If you’re curious how you might look with breast implants, you can try MENTOR’S breast implant simulator (please note this is not as advanced as the Vectra 3D imaging used at preop appointments but is simply a tool to begin envisioning your transformation).

Dr. Restifo has been doing breast lifts with implants for 25+ years.  He is considered an expert in this procedure and regularly presents at the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery conferences about his techniques.

Please note: Although many doctors perform cosmetic procedures, you need to know that plastic surgeons, facial plastic surgeons, and cosmetic surgeons are not the same thing, plus board-certification matters. Learn more about specialization here.

Frequently Asked Questions – Breast Lift With Augmentation

A. Here is the process:

  • Incisions are made according to the treatment plan.
  • A pocket is created in the breast area and an implant is placed either underneath or on top of the pectoral muscle.
  • The nipple and areola is moved higher on the breast and/or resized.
  • Breast tissue is reshaped to achieve the desired breast contour.
  • Any excess skin is trimmed to create a tighter, more defined appearance.
  • When the breast lift with augmentation is complete, the incisions are closed with sutures.

Dr. Restifo will recommend implant placement and size based on your anatomy, type of implant, and any other factors that will enhance your safety and satisfaction.

A. A course of treatment will be suggested based on your body shape, medical history, lifestyle, and beauty goals. The following options are available for augmentation:

  • Saline-filled breast implants are filled with sterile salt water. They are filled at the time of surgery to allow for a shorter incision and for minor modifications in implant size.
  • Silicone-filled breast implants are filled with soft gel and are available in a variety of shapes. All silicone breast implants are pre-filled and may require a longer incision for implant placement.
  • Cohesive gel silicone implants, also known as “gummy bear” or “form stable” implants, are filled with a cohesive silicone gel which makes them feel thicker and firmer than traditional silicone implants. This enables them to retain their shape better.
  • Shaped implants, also called “teardrop” or “anatomical” implants have less fullness in the upper part and more fullness in the lower part, mimicking the shape of a real breast. They have advantages and disadvantages compared to other implants.

Here are some factors that influence what breast implant is right for you:

  • Your anatomy, including your body frame and existing breast tissue
  • Your preferences related to size
  • Your goals for breast augmentation
  • Your lifestyle

A Breast lift with augmentation surgery is a long-term way to achieve an ideal, youthful figure. Issues following this type of surgery are uncommon and usually minimal, however they may include:

  • Capsular contracture
  • Swelling and pain
  • Infection
  • Changes in nipple sensation
  • Milk production
  • Change to the implant as a result of injury, activity, or the normal passage of time

Of course, it is not possible to stop time and gravity in their tracks indefinitely. After a number of years, some women choose to have their breast lift revised. Additionally, implants do require monitoring and may eventually need to be replaced. Regular monitoring of breast implants after a breast lift with augmentation is recommended to ensure continued breast health.

A. Prior to your consultation, you will be asked to fill out a complete medical history, which includes information about:

  • Medical conditions, both past and present
  • Current medications and supplements
  • Previous surgeries and medical treatments
  • Allergies
  • Pregnancies
  • Mammogram results from within the past year (for patients over 40)
  • Family history of breast cancer
  • Current use of alcohol, tobacco and recreational drugs
  • Weight fluctuations

During your initial consultation, Dr. Restifo will listen to your goals, needs, and concerns. He will evaluate whether you’re a good candidate for breast lift with augmentation based on your anatomy and physical health, and will determine a treatment plan based on your expectations. He will also be candid about whether he can achieve the outcome you desire.

After you’ve discussed the size and shape of breasts that you desire, Dr. Restifo will work with his assistant to measure and photograph your breasts for your medical record. He will also evaluate the following:

  • Current size and shape of your breasts.
  • State of your skin’s elasticity.
  • Quality and quantity of existing breast tissue.
  • Current size and location of your nipples and areolas.

After the examination, you will be introduced to the Vectra 3-D Imaging device which will enable you to see how a breast lift with different types of implants will look on your body.

If you are planning to lose a significant amount of weight, be sure to mention this in the initial consultation. Also be sure to mention any plans to get pregnant, in either the near or distant future. It is ideal to stabilize your weight before undergoing surgery to get the best possible long-term results.

A. Dr. Restifo is committed to each patient’s safety and satisfaction, and he stays well-informed regarding breast implant options and surgical techniques for both breast lifts and breast augmentation.

Recently, a lot of press has been given to BIA-ALCL and unfortunately there is significant misinformation on blogs and social media. Accordingly, Dr. Restifo recommends the following round-table VIDEO discussions by esteemed colleagues and board-certified plastic surgeons for patient education: Improving Patient Safety Part 1 & Part 2. Dr. Restifo only uses smooth implants.

It is important for women who have had breast implants to have periodic examination by a board-certified plastic surgeon to monitor their implants. Both saline and silicone gel−filled breast implants have been approved by the FDA. More information can be found on the FDA breast implant page on their website.

A. Dr. Restifo aims to minimize the appearance of scarring and will work with you to determine the best incision point based on your overall beauty goals, including the size, type, and placement of implants and based upon the amount of existing breast tissue that needs to be reshaped.
Incision Techniques For a Breast Lift with Augmentation Include:

  • The “periareolar” lift has an incision around the edge of the areola and is suited for women who need a modest amount of lift.
  • The “lollipop” lift has an incision around the areola and vertically down to the breast crease in a lollipop shape. This is suitable for women with a moderate degree of drooping.
  • The “anchor” incision is a lollipop shape with an additional incision along the breast crease; this is ideal for breasts with significant sagging.

Scars from breast surgery incisions will begin to fade in a few months and will continue to fade for months or years. We will work with you to minimize scarring and to obtain the best possible outcome.

A. Breast augmentation with a lift is typically long-lasting, however lifestyle and life-stage both play a role in how long the results of your surgery will last. Your breasts can change due to a number of factors, including:

  • Pregnancy
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Hormones
  • Time and gravity

After several years, some patients undergo a breast revision to exchange implants, or another breast lift to restore a more youthful shape and contour. In general, implants do not need to be changed until they demonstrate deflation (saline) or internal disruption (silicone).

A. If you’re planning a pregnancy in either the short-term or long-term, it’s important to tell Dr. Restifo. Pregnancy alters the breast size and shape and could affect the long-term appearance of your breast lift with augmentation.

Prior to your surgery, Dr. Restifo will ask you to:

  • Stop smoking at least six weeks before undergoing surgery to better promote healing.
  • Contact your primary care physician to schedule a preoperative physical for the following tests required for your surgery:
    • A recent complete history and physical with medical clearance for surgery and general anesthesia
    • Labs complete with CBC, PT, PTT
    • Current EKG and report of the reading for patients over the age of 50 or those with a cardiac history
    • A mammography report completed within the last year (for patients over 40)
    • Any other exam that you or your physician feel is indicated
  • Avoid taking aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. ibuprofen, naproxen) that can increase bleeding.
  • Fill any prescriptions provided prior to surgery (though you won’t need them until afterwards).
  • Hydrate well both before and after the surgery for safe recovery.
  • Purchase a front-closure sports bra.
  • Arrange for a ride home after surgery.
  • Plan to have someone to stay with you for at least the first 24 hours following surgery.
  • If you have children, plan to get help for one week around the house.
  • Prepare your recovery space to minimize lifting, twisting, and stretching.

Full preoperative and postoperative instructions can be found under Patient Resources. We recommend that you read all the information related to both mastopexy and breast augmentation prior to surgery.

A. Most patients feel tired and sore after having a breast lift with augmentation for the first two to five days. Some discoloration and swelling may occur, but this usually passes within the first two weeks. Some patients feel an increased tightness and sensitivity in the breasts, and skin may feel warm or itchy. Dr. Restifo will prescribe specific medications that will increase your safety and comfort during healing.
A recovery timeline usually involves:

  • Sleeping on your back in an inclined position during the initial healing period, using extra pillows for elevation if necessary.
  • A return to work within a week of breast lift with augmentation surgery.
  • No laundry or housework for at least a week.
  • No driving for a minimum of two weeks.
  • No heavy lifting > 5 pounds, pulling, or pushing for one month.
  • The option to ride a stationary bike 2-3 weeks after surgery.
  • No high-impact aerobic exercise or upper body workout for 6 weeks.

After surgery, the shape of your breasts will continue to improve as swelling subsides, settling take place, and scars fade. In approximately one month, most patients have a good sense of how the breast lift with implants achieved their desired look. It does, however, typically take several weeks or months before the breasts fully settle, sensation returns to normal, and scarring fades significantly.

Most patients who maintain realistic expectations and who thoroughly discussed their goals prior to surgery are very satisfied with the look of their more youthful, lifted breasts.

A Striking Combo: A Breast Lift With Implants

For Bigger Or Worse

Patient Testimonials

Great Consultations Begin At Home

Breast Lift With Implants: Animation

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If you’re considering surgery, looking to schedule your consultation, or have any questions about our office, ask our team now! Text or call 203-772-1444 or fill out the form below.

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Richard Restifo, MD


Office Hours

Monday-Thursday: 9am-4:30pm
Friday: 9am-3:30pm
Saturday: By Appointment Only
Sunday: Closed

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