Mommy Makeover in Fairfield & Hartford County, CT

What Is A “Mommy Makeover”?

Also known as a post-pregnancy makeover, the “Mommy Makeover” refers to a series of procedures designed to restore a woman’s figure after bearing children. This may include cosmetic surgery of the breast, such as augmentationlift, or reduction, in conjunction with cosmetic surgery of the abdomen, such as one of the tummy tuck procedures. The “Mommy Makeover” is named because it addresses the changes that typically occur during the course of one or more pregnancies which may include:

  • Loss of breast shape and volume
  • Sagging breasts
  • Stretched areolas
  • Excesses of skin and fat in the abdomen
  • Bulging of loose or separated abdominal muscles

By addressing both the abdomen and the breasts, mommy makeovers can lead to spectacular transformations of a woman’s body. Many women view this as “getting my body back”, and consider it to be a logical restoration of their physical and emotional well-being which adds to the joy of bearing and raising children.

If you’re considering breast implants, you might want to try MENTOR’S breast implant simulator (please note this is not as advanced as the Vectra 3D imaging used at the preoperative appointment but is simply a tool to begin envisioning your transformation).

Am I A Good Candidate For A Mommy Makeover?

The best candidates for mommy makeovers are in good physical condition and finished with child-bearing, and who want to restore their figure to address the effects of pregnancy and childbirth. You may be a good candidate for a mommy makeover if:

  • You want to restore your breasts and tummy to a more youthful appearance
  • Pregnancy has negatively affected the size and shape of your breasts, leaving them deflated, uneven, with decreased volume, drooping nipples or stretched areolas
  • Your skin has lost elasticity and is sagging
  • You have stretch marks on your abdomen or breasts
  • Your abdominal muscles are bulging and/or are separated following pregnancy
  • Your waistline and/or hips are undefined
  • You’ve got pockets of fat in your abdomen that will not respond to diet and exercise
  • You are distressed about your post-pregnancy contours
  • Your wardrobe choices and self-confidence have been negatively affected

Patients who intend to lose a lot of weight should wait before undergoing a mommy makeover since skin in the abdominal and breast areas typically loosen after substantial weight loss.

The Mommy Makeover

A Striking Combo: A Breast Lift With Implants

Suck Or Tuck: Which Procedure Is Right For Me?

Patient Testimonials

Finishing The Transformation After Major Weight Loss

Mommy Makeover

Frequently Asked Questions – Mommy Makeover

A. mommy makeover is a combination of procedures, and may include two or more of the following:

Tummy tuck / Abdominoplasty: This procedure removes excess skin and fat, tightens abdominal muscles, and removes stretch marks.

Breast Lift / Mastopexy Combined with Breast AugmentationThis procedure will increase the size of your breasts while also providing a lift to create an ideal projection and contour.

Liposuction / Lipoplasty: This procedure can remove fat from your flanks, hips, thighs, upper arms, and knees and improve your overall body contour. Dr. Restifo will review with you whether liposuction in any or all of these places will benefit you.

Breast Augmentation / Augmentation Mammaplasty: This procedure increases breast size using silicone or saline implants or fat grafting. It also provides a modest “lift” to the breasts.

Breast Lift / Mastopexy: This procedure returns a youthful shape to breasts that are sagging, uneven, or which have drooping nipples and/or stretched areolas.

Breast Reduction: This procedure removes excess fat and glandular tissue while tightening the skin to produce smaller, lighter, and perkier breasts.

Labiaplasty: This procedure trims large or uneven labia minora for cosmetic, hygienic, pain relief and/or functional reasons.

Brazilian Buttock Lift:  In this procedure fat is removed from one area of the body by liposuction and then transferred to the buttocks. The “donor” area for the fat is typically the abdomen, back or other areas where fat may be present in excess. The fat is then injected into the buttocks to create a fuller, more pleasing and “lifted” appearance.

Mommy makeovers may also include a thigh liftarm lift, or liposuction in other areas of the body. These options may also be discussed at a consultation.

A. There are several things to consider before having a mommy makeover, including: 

  • Weight gain, pregnancy, or weight loss after a mommy makeover may compromise results.
  • Caring for your home and children after a mommy makeover requires extra help for several weeks.
  • You will need to take at least one to two weeks off work.
  • If you get breast implants, they will require monitoring and possibly replacement at some point in the future.

Although mommy makeovers can’t prevent the natural aging process, they can restore your body to a more youthful appearance that, with proper diet and exercise, is easily maintained for years.

A. Prior to your consultation, you will be asked to fill out a complete medical history, which includes information about:

  • Medical conditions, both past and present
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Current medications and supplements
  • Previous surgeries and medical treatments
  • Allergies
  • Pregnancies
  • Mammogram results from within the past year (for patients over 40)
  • Current use of alcohol, tobacco and recreational drugs

During your initial consultation, Dr. Restifo will listen to your goals, needs, and concerns. He will evaluate whether you’re a good candidate for a mommy makeover based on your anatomy, physical health, and motivations for having surgery. He will also ask about your expectations and will determine a treatment plan accordingly while remaining candid about whether he can achieve the outcome you desire.

After you’ve discussed the size and shape of breasts that you desire, your goals for abdominal contouring, and/or whether liposuction would benefit you, Dr. Restifo will work with his assistant to measure and photograph your breasts and abdomen for your medical record. He will evaluate the following:

  • Current size and shape of your breasts.
  • State of your skin’s elasticity in the breast area.
  • Quality and quantity of existing breast tissue.
  • Current size and location of your nipples and areolas.
  • Location and amount of excess skin and fat.
  • Location of the navel.
  • State of your skin’s elasticity in the abdominal area.
  • State of your abdominal muscles.
  • Location and state of scars from previous surgeries.

After the examination, you will be introduced to the Vectra® 3D imaging system which will enable you to see how different procedures will affect your figure.

A. Although mommy makeovers are considered safe, as with any other type of surgery, different issues may arise. Though rare, post-operative complications from any type of surgery are possible. They may include infection, blood clots, poor healing, and old scars could be raised, stretched or more noticeable after surgery, which in turn may require further surgery.

The majority of the risks can be avoided if patients follow the postoperative instructions provided by Dr. Restifo.  Of utmost importance is that patients ensure they have postoperative assistance with child care and help around the house during the first several weeks of recovery.

A. Dr. Restifo aims to minimize the appearance of scarring and will work with you to determine the best incision point(s) based on your overall aesthetic goals. Every effort is made to make scars as inconspicuous as possible, however some scarring is inevitable with surgery.  Accordingly, scar therapy will be recommended.  Once you have a treatment plan in place, you can review the procedure-specific information to better understand where incisions will be made.

A. With proper diet and exercise, results should be long-lasting. However, the natural aging process may necessitate a visit back to Dr. Restifo.

Ultimately, time, gravity, and weight loss or gains may affect how long the results of a mommy makeover will last.

If you’ve had breast implants, they will likely need to be replaced at some point in time.  Please review procedure-specific information for more details.

A. We recommend you wait to have a mommy makeover until you are finished with child-bearing since pregnancy can undo the positive effects of breast and abdominal surgery.

A. Prior to your surgery, Dr. Restifo will ask you to:

  • Achieve your desired target weight first
  • Stop smoking at least six weeks before undergoing surgery to better promote healing.
  • Contact your primary care physician to schedule a preoperative physical for the following tests required for your surgery:
    • A recent complete history and physical with medical clearance for surgery and general anesthesia
    • Labs complete with CBC, PT, PTT
    • Current EKG and report of the reading for patients over the age of 50 or those with a cardiac history
    • A mammography report completed within the last year (for patients over 40 who are having any type of breast surgery)
    • Any other exam that you or your physician feel is indicated
  • Avoid taking aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. ibuprofen, naproxen) and/or herbal supplements that can increase bleeding.
  • Fill any prescriptions that were provided prior to surgery (though you won’t need them until afterwards).
  • Hydrate well both before and after the surgery for safe recovery.
  • Arrange for a ride home after being discharged.
  • Plan to have someone to stay with you for at least the first 24 hours following surgery.
  • Make child care arrangements for several days.
  • Plan to get lots of help around the house for several weeks. Lifting, driving, laundry, and cleaning should not be done by patients for at least two weeks.

Prepare your home:

  • Set aside a space for your prescriptions, thermometer, and postoperative instructions close to your bed, sofa, or recliner.
  • Place toiletries, tissues, medications, beverages, snacks, etc. within easy reach to minimize stretching and bending.
  • Prepare your recovery space to include reading material, a tablet or laptop, cell phone with charger, a remote control, and lots of pillows.
  • Ensure your pantry/fridge is stocked with healthy, easy-to-prepare meals and bottled water.
  • Set aside clothing that will be easy to put on and take off without a lot of bending, stretching, or twisting. With breast surgery, be sure to have several front-closure sports bras available.

Full postoperative instructions can be found under Patient Resources.

A. The recovery period is significant and ranges from two weeks to several months.  It’s recommended that you plan to take at least one to two weeks off from work.

You may experience the following after the procedure:

  • Dr. Restifo will prescribe medications to help you manage any discomfort.
  • Pain and swelling will be the worst during the first few days, particularly in the abdomen if you’ve had a full or partial tummy tuck.
  • Discomfort typically drops significantly by five to seven days.
  • The day of surgery, you should begin to walk, albeit in short bouts during which you may need assistance getting up and down.
  • Any non-dissolvable sutures and drains will probably be removed within 7-14 days.
  • Within two weeks, you will likely be able to drive a car.
  • Swelling should subside within four to six weeks.
  • You will need to avoid heavy lifting, contact sports, and working out for four to six weeks.
  • Scarring will heal over the course of weeks and months, however the shape of your new body will be evident about three months after surgery.

For complete information about what to expect, read more about the procedures you may want to consider as a part of your mommy makeover: tummy tucksbreast augmentationliposuctionbreast lift, and breast reduction.

Schedule A Consultation Today!

If you are interested in getting a Mommy Makeover or have questions about the procedure, contact our office and book a consultation with one of our esteemed surgeons! You can reach us by calling 203.772.1444 or by clicking here to submit an email contact form. The Restifo Plastic Surgery team looks forward to serving you!

Mommy Makeover – Before & After

2894 imageset 1 before
2894 imageset 1 after

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Richard Restifo, MD


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Monday-Thursday: 9am-4:30pm
Friday: 9am-3:30pm
Saturday: By Appointment Only
Sunday: Closed

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